Numerous events that occur within your RevCent account are recorded. These account events can then be used for triggering a Function or an AI Assistant.
An event is something that occurred within your RevCent account that is specific to an item. For instance, when a sale is created, a subscription is renewed, a shipment is shipped, etc. Each one of these events is recorded by RevCent, which allows you to be notified as well as take action when a specific event occurs. For instance, you may want to send a text message to a customer when they make a purchase, or add a record to a separate database when a customer is created.
When used in conjunction with a RevCent Function or an AI Assistant, the possibilities for taking action upon an event are almost limitless.
When using an Event, such as to trigger a function, the event details will contain information on the event, including details of the events' item type. For example, if you triggered a function based on a sale.created notation, the event details would contain the details on the events' sale.
View the Example Events section to see example event objects for each item type.
An event is comprised of multiple properties, the main being Item Type, Item Event and Notations.
Each event is associated with an item type. The item type is the type of item within RevCent that was associated with the event. The item type can be sale, subscription, shipping, etc.
View the Event Notations table to see item types and event notations.
Each event is associated with an item event. The item event is what actually happened with a specific item
Possible Values:
An events' notations signifies what occurred within the event. Each notation starts at the item type, then the item event, then the resulting event detail(s). The more detailed (longer) a notation, the more descriptive a notation is relative to the event.
Let say that a new customer was created in RevCent.
Notice that this event has one notation.
A customer was created.
If you wanted to know when…
Let say that a sale was created, payment was successful, and the sale was marked as an upsell.
, sale.created.success
, sale.created.success.paid
, sale.created.success.paid.is_upsell
Notice that this event has four notations:
A sale was
A sale was created successfully, either pending or
A sale was created successfully and was
A sale was created successfully, was paid and was an upsell.
If you wanted to know when…
Let say that a refund was created for a shipment, for the total amount of the shipment, and the shipment is associated with a fulfillment account.
, pending_refund.created.shipping
, pending_refund.created.shipping.full
, pending_refund.created.shipping.full.has_fulfillment
Notice that this event has four notations:
A refund was created.pending_refund.created.shipping
A refund was created for a shipment.pending_refund.created.shipping.full
A full refund was created for a shipment.pending_refund.created.shipping.full.has_fulfillment
A full refund was created for a shipment with a fulfillment account.
If you wanted to know when…
Below are a list of all event notations showing item type, notation and description.
If you don't see a particular event you think should be added, let us know.
Item Type | Notation | Description |
chargeback | chargeback.created | A chargeback was created. |
check_direct | check_direct.created | A check was created. |
customer | customer.created | A customer was created. |
customer | customer.updated.add_card | A credit card was added to a customer. |
customer | customer.updated.address | A customers' address was updated. |
customer | customer.updated.customer_group | A customers' customer group was updated. Was either added to or removed from a group. |
customer | customer.updated.customer_group.added | A customer was added to one or more customer groups. |
customer | customer.updated.customer_group.removed | A customer was removed from one or more customer groups. |
customer | customer.updated.disabled | A customer was disabled. |
customer | customer.updated.enabled | A customer was re-enabled. |
discount | discount.created | A discount was created |
fraud_detection | fraud_detection.created | A fraud detection was created. |
fraud_detection | fraud_detection.updated.false_positive | A fraud detection was updated and marked as a false positive. |
invoice | invoice.created | An invoice was created. |
note | note.created | A note was created. |
offline_payment | offline_payment.created | An offline payment was created. |
paypal_dispute | paypal_dispute.created | A PayPal dispute was created. |
paypal_transaction | paypal_transaction.created | A PayPal transaction was created. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created | A pending refund was created. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.product_sale | A pending refund was created for a product sale. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.product_sale.full | A pending refund was created for a product sale, for the full amount. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.product_sale.partial | A pending refund was created for a product sale, for a partial amount. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping | A pending refund was created for a shipment. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.full | A pending refund was created for a shipment, for the full amount. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.full.has_fulfillment | A pending refund was created for a shipment, for the full amount, and the shipment is associated with a fulfillment account. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.full.no_fulfillment | A pending refund was created for a shipment, for the full amount, and the shipment is not associated with a fulfillment account. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.has_fulfillment | A pending refund was created for a shipment and the shipment is associated with a fulfillment account. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.no_fulfillment | A pending refund was created for a shipment and the shipment is not associated with a fulfillment account. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.partial | A pending refund was created for a shipment, for a partial amount. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.partial.has_fulfillment | A pending refund was created for a shipment, for a partial amount, and the shipment is associated with a fulfillment account. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.shipping.partial.no_fulfillment | A pending refund was created for a shipment, for a partial amount, and the shipment is not associated with a fulfillment account. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.subscription_renewal | A pending refund was created for a subscription renewal. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.subscription_renewal.full | A pending refund was created for a subscription renewal, for the full amount. |
pending_refund | pending_refund.created.subscription_renewal.partial | A pending refund was created for a subscription renewal, for a partial amount. |
pending_refund | | A pending refund was created for a tax. |
pending_refund | | A pending refund was created for a tax, for the full amount. |
pending_refund | | A pending refund was created for a tax, for a partial amount. |
product | product.created | A product was created. |
product | product.deleted | A product was deleted. |
product | product.updated | A product was updated. |
product_sale | product_sale.created | A product sale was created. |
sale | sale.created | A sale was created. |
sale | sale.created.failed | A sale was created, but with an unsuccessful result, either due to an error, payment decline, merchant error, merchant hold, or fraud detection. |
sale | sale.created.failed.declined | A sale was created, but the payment attempt failed due to a payment decline. |
sale | sale.created.failed.error | A sale was created, but the payment attempt failed due an error. |
sale | sale.created.failed.fraud_detected | A sale was created, but the payment attempt failed due a fraud detection. |
sale | sale.created.failed.merchant_error | A sale was created, but the payment attempt failed due a merchant error. |
sale | sale.created.failed.merchant_hold | A sale was created, but the payment attempt failed due a merchant hold. |
sale | sale.created.failed.no_gateway | A sale was created, but the payment profile cascade did not have an available gateway to process payment. |
sale | sale.created.success | A sale was created with a successful result. |
sale | sale.created.success.has_salvage | A sale was created with a successful result and has a salvage transaction. |
sale | sale.created.success.is_upsell | A sale was created with a successful result and is marked as an upsell. |
sale | sale.created.success.paid | A sale was created with a successful result and has a payment. |
sale | sale.created.success.paid.has_salvage | A sale was created with a successful result, has a payment and a salvage transaction. |
sale | sale.created.success.paid.is_upsell | A sale was created with a successful result, has a payment and is marked as an upsell. |
sale | sale.created.success.pending | A sale was created with a successful result and is pending payment. |
sale | sale.created.success.pending.is_upsell | A sale was created with a successful result, is pending payment and is marked as an upsell. |
sale | sale.updated.fraud_alert.added | A sale was updated with a fraud alert being added. |
sale | sale.updated.fraud_alert.removed | A sale was updated with a fraud alert being removed. |
salvage_transaction | salvage_transaction.updated.processed | A salvage transaction was processed, regardless of result. |
salvage_transaction | salvage_transaction.updated.processed.failed | A salvage transaction was processed but payment was unsuccessful. |
salvage_transaction | salvage_transaction.updated.processed.success | A salvage transaction was processed and payment was successful. |
sentinel | sentinel.alert | Sentinel rejected a purchase attempt due to fraud detection or fraud firewall. |
sentinel | sentinel.alert.firewall_block | Sentinel rejected a purchase attempt due to fraud firewall. |
sentinel | sentinel.alert.fraud_detected | Sentinel rejected a purchase attempt due to fraud detection. |
shipping | shipping.created | A shipment was created. |
shipping | shipping.created.has_fulfillment | A shipment was created and is associated with a fulfillment account. |
shipping | shipping.created.no_fulfillment | A shipment was created and is not associated with a fulfillment account. |
shipping | shipping.updated.delivered | A shipment was updated as delivered. |
shipping | shipping.updated.ship_to | A shipment was updated with the ship to information being modified. |
shipping | shipping.updated.shipped | A shipment was updated as shipped with tracking number. |
subscription | subscription.created | A subscription was created. |
subscription | subscription.updated.renewed | A subscription was renewed, regardless of result. |
subscription | subscription.updated.renewed.failed | A subscription was renewed but with an unsuccessful result either due to error, payment decline, merchant error or merchant hold. |
subscription | subscription.updated.renewed.success | A subscription was renewed successfully with payment. |
subscription | subscription.updated.status | A subscriptions' status was updated, regardless of new status. |
subscription | | A subscriptions' status was updated, with a status of Active. |
subscription | subscription.updated.status.cancelled | A subscriptions' status was updated, with a status of Cancelled. |
subscription | subscription.updated.status.occurrence_limit | A subscriptions' status was updated, with a status of Occurrence Limit. |
subscription | subscription.updated.status.overdue | A subscriptions' status was updated, with a status of Overdue. |
subscription | subscription.updated.status.suspended | A subscriptions' status was updated, with a status of Suspended. |
subscription_renewal | subscription_renewal.updated.failed | A subscription renewal was updated as unsuccessful. Useful for identifying a specific renewal as unsuccessful either during or after the renewal was created. |
subscription_renewal | subscription_renewal.updated.success | A subscription renewal was updated as successful. Useful for identifying a specific renewal as successful either during or after the renewal was created. |
tax | tax.created | A tax was created. |
transaction | transaction.created | A credit card transaction was created. |
trial | trial.created | A trial was created. |
trial | trial.updated.cancelled | A trial was cancelled. |
trial | trial.updated.expired | A trial was updated as expired, either successfully or not. |
trial | trial.updated.expired.failed | A trial was expired but payment was unsuccessful. |
trial | trial.updated.expired.success | A trial was expired and payment was successful. |
trial | trial.updated.extended | A trial was updated and extended by a specific number of days. |
trial | trial.updated.shortened | A trial was updated and shortened by a specific number of days. |
Below are examples of event details specific to each events' item type. The event details contain an item_details property which is the details of the item type related to the event.
For example, if you triggered a function using the sale.created event notation, the events' item_type would be “sale”. Therefore, the functions' object would be the event detail for a sale event, and would contain the item_details on the specific sale.
"event_date": "2022-08-22T15:44:06.018Z",
"event_id": "nbn08GAQgqUwz5ZlWapP",
"event_notations": [
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"item_type": "chargeback",
"item_id": "zGAv9Z6PPAhWngkVJ16A",
"item_event": "created",
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"country": "USA",
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